3744 просмотров

The RFID Event For Companies In Europe

Дата проведения
2 ноября 2010 — 4 ноября 2010
Место проведения
Clarion Congress Hotel Prague Freyova 33 CZ 190 00 Prague 9 Vysočany Czech Republic

A growing number of retailers across Europe are embracing RFID as a way to improve supply-chain efficiencies, ensure products are on the right shelf when customers want to buy them and enhance the shopping experience. This track showcases the leading early adopters, who will share their success stories and their unique insights in how RFID is delivering benefits today.

All across Europe, innovative companies are using radio frequency identification (RFID) to improve their manufacturing, supply chain and retail operations. RFID Journal LIVE! Europe is the only event that showcases real- world end user applications and educates attendees about how they can use RFID today to cut costs and improve sales.

Hear speakers from leading end-user companies candidly discuss new applications for RFID, the benefits they deliver and how to overcome implementation challenges

Learn from industry specific conference tracks show you how to leverage RFID to deliver real business benefits

Get up to speed with pre-conference seminars geared towards your needs

Experience the latest technology products from the leading RFID vendors and see live technology demonstrations on the exhibition floor

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