Крупные мировые ритейлеры
24 марта 2010, 00:00 4182 просмотра

Carrefour Russia fails to sell assets and exits the country

Carrefour has failed to sell its Russian assets and has abandoned operations in the country, according to press reports from PMR. The owners of premises let to Carrefour have prematurely ended their agreements with the retailer.

An Auchan hypermarket and an OBI DIY store will take the place of the Carrefour hypermarket located in Moscow’s Filion shopping centre, and the hypermarket in Krasnodar will be occupied by an O’Key hypermarket. O’Key will also take over premises previously let to Carrefour in Lipetsk. The tenant of the Moscow River Mall has not been yet chosen, but applications have been made by O’Key, Auchan, Karusel (part of the X5 Retail Group) and other retailers.


Теги: carrefour
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Carrefour Russia fails to sell assets and exits the country

Carrefour has failed to sell its Russian assets and has abandoned operations in the country, according to press reports from PMR. The owners of premises let to Carrefour have prematurely ended their agreements with the retailer.

An Auchan hypermarket and an OBI DIY store will take the place of the Carrefour hypermarket located in Moscow’s Filion shopping centre, and the hypermarket in Krasnodar will be occupied by an O’Key hypermarket. O’Key will also take over premises previously let to Carrefour in Lipetsk. The tenant of the Moscow River Mall has not been yet chosen, but applications have been made by O’Key, Auchan, Karusel (part of the X5 Retail Group) and other retailers.


carrefourCarrefour Russia fails to sell assets and exits the country
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