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Rewe Group with new IT and Logistics management
Frank Wiemer has taken over responsibility for Rewe Group’s IT, logistics and real estate as Management Board Member. Wiemer previously worked as Managing Director of Metro Group Logistic (MGL). He is now responsible for the reorganisation of Rewe Group’s logistics, comprising the separation of the discount supply chain from the full rage logistics. Head of IT and logistics, Erich König will report to him. Additionally, Jens Siebenhaar will join the company on 1 March 2009, as the Director of Information Technology. Siebenhaar will come from Tengelmann’s DIY banner Obi where was responsible for the inhouse development of a new merchandise management and POS system. At Rewe, Siebenhaar will take on group-wide holding functions for the IT Department and together with Rolf Rosbach, assume operative responsibility for IT systems as the chairman of the senior management of Rewe Informations Systeme GmbH (RIS). Additionally Thomas Kahlmann will begin his work as the Director of Group Logistics on 1 February 2009. Amongst his duties will be not only pure holding responsibilities but also operative responsibility for the national warehouses, procurement logistics and export and import platforms.
Александр Перемятов, Slava concept: «Заниматься российской модой стало модно»
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