13 января 2009, 00:00 2998 просмотров

Carrefour Promocash to open 20 more stores in France

Carrefour owned Promocash will open 20 more cash and carry stores in France over the next three years. The operation serves the catering industry and plans to attract further investors as part of the operation’s transformation into a franchise. Promocash currently has 120 franchised shops as well as nine integrated outlets in France.


Теги: carrefour
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Carrefour Promocash to open 20 more stores in France

Carrefour owned Promocash will open 20 more cash and carry stores in France over the next three years. The operation serves the catering industry and plans to attract further investors as part of the operation’s transformation into a franchise. Promocash currently has 120 franchised shops as well as nine integrated outlets in France.


carrefourCarrefour Promocash to open 20 more stores in France
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