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Техника, электроника. Сотовый ритейл
22 марта 2012, 18:32 1299 просмотров

Eldorado buys 53 real estate properties

Russian electronics retailer Eldorado has bought a total of 53 real estate properties in different regions in Russia to serve as retail space and storage facilities. Since the beginning of 2012 Eldorado has been proactive in expanding its store network through mergers and acquisitions. As such, it took over regional retailer Beringov in January 2012 and is in negotiations to acquire the Rembitechnika store network which operates in the Urals and Siberia regions.

Planet Retail

Теги: eldorado
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Eldorado buys 53 real estate properties Russian electronics retailer Eldorado has bought a total of 53 real estate properties in different regions in Russia to serve as retail space and storage facilities. Since the beginning of 2012 Eldorado has been proactive in expanding its store network through mergers and acquisitions. As such, it took over regional retailer Beringov in January 2012 and is in negotiations to acquire the Rembitechnika store network which operates in the Urals and Siberia regions.

Planet Retail

eldoradoEldorado buys 53 real estate properties
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