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25 января 2010, 00:00 2364 просмотра

Tesco works on employee development

Tesco is working hard to earn the loyalty of its employees, Supermarket News reported. It has established an employee training programme with six or seven employee levels, from shelf stockers and cashiers to the Chief Executive Officer and training is available for anyone who wants to move up the ladder. “It’s not for everybody, but everybody knows they can be trained for the next level up,” said Tesco CEO Sir Terry Leahy.

Many senior people on Tesco’s executive board started as teenagers and worked their way up, Leahy said. “We take people with all sorts of academic qualifications, but once they are in the organisation, it’s who they are and how they contribute that matters. There’s no officer class or glass ceiling.”

Alongside its internal training and leadership programme, it now offers the opportunity to earn external qualifications, Leahy said. “So you can get a degree while working at Tesco.”

Tesco employs a “steering wheel” that sets specific measures of performance for individuals, departments, stores, countries and the entire company. In this way, “people know what they have to do and can see how they're doing,” Leahy said. In addition, “everybody knows how they connect to the big picture”.


Теги: tesco
Статья относится к тематикам: Крупные мировые ритейлеры, Торговый персонал
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Tesco works on employee development

Tesco is working hard to earn the loyalty of its employees, Supermarket News reported. It has established an employee training programme with six or seven employee levels, from shelf stockers and cashiers to the Chief Executive Officer and training is available for anyone who wants to move up the ladder. “It’s not for everybody, but everybody knows they can be trained for the next level up,” said Tesco CEO Sir Terry Leahy.

Many senior people on Tesco’s executive board started as teenagers and worked their way up, Leahy said. “We take people with all sorts of academic qualifications, but once they are in the organisation, it’s who they are and how they contribute that matters. There’s no officer class or glass ceiling.”

Alongside its internal training and leadership programme, it now offers the opportunity to earn external qualifications, Leahy said. “So you can get a degree while working at Tesco.”

Tesco employs a “steering wheel” that sets specific measures of performance for individuals, departments, stores, countries and the entire company. In this way, “people know what they have to do and can see how they're doing,” Leahy said. In addition, “everybody knows how they connect to the big picture”.


tescoTesco works on employee development
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