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16 апреля 2009, 00:00 2842 просмотра

Sainsbury’s to recruit 350 apprentices

UK retailer Sainsbury’s is recruiting 350 apprentices for its meat, fish and bakery counters, with the aim of having one apprentice in every store by March 2010, The Grocer reported. Sainsbury’s took on 200 apprentices last year, but said it was boosting recruitment to ensure it had team leaders and store managers for the future. Apprentices on the programme combine learning butchery, baking or fish mongering alongside studying for an NVQ level two in retail, equivalent to gaining five GCSE’s. The schemes last 15 months and also cover areas such as health and safety as well as customer service.


Теги: sainsbury staff retail
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Sainsbury’s to recruit 350 apprentices

UK retailer Sainsbury’s is recruiting 350 apprentices for its meat, fish and bakery counters, with the aim of having one apprentice in every store by March 2010, The Grocer reported. Sainsbury’s took on 200 apprentices last year, but said it was boosting recruitment to ensure it had team leaders and store managers for the future. Apprentices on the programme combine learning butchery, baking or fish mongering alongside studying for an NVQ level two in retail, equivalent to gaining five GCSE’s. The schemes last 15 months and also cover areas such as health and safety as well as customer service.


sainsbury, staff, retailSainsbury’s to recruit 350 apprentices
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