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19 января 2009, 00:00 4679 просмотров

Auchan tests shopping list optimisation

At one store in Vélizy, France, Auchan has started to test a solution that aims to speed up shopping for customers by optimising their way through the store. To use the solution, provided by technology company Keyshopping, customers edit a shopping list online before they start their trip through the brick and mortar outlet. The solution then optimises the customer’s route through the store and sends the optimised list to the customer – either for printing out or as SMS text on his mobile phone.


Теги: auchan
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Auchan tests shopping list optimisation

At one store in Vélizy, France, Auchan has started to test a solution that aims to speed up shopping for customers by optimising their way through the store. To use the solution, provided by technology company Keyshopping, customers edit a shopping list online before they start their trip through the brick and mortar outlet. The solution then optimises the customer’s route through the store and sends the optimised list to the customer – either for printing out or as SMS text on his mobile phone.


auchanAuchan tests shopping list optimisation
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