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15 января 2009, 00:00 3193 просмотра

Tesco demands pork compensation

UK retailer Tesco has written to its pig meat suppliers demanding compensation for the loss of profits arising from the recent recall of pork products. Tesco said it had calculated the lost profit using its order prediction system. Suppliers have been asked to confirm that they are wiling to pay the amount. However, the letter has caused anger among affected suppliers; with most saying they were unwilling to pay the compensation.


Теги: tesco
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Tesco demands pork compensation

UK retailer Tesco has written to its pig meat suppliers demanding compensation for the loss of profits arising from the recent recall of pork products. Tesco said it had calculated the lost profit using its order prediction system. Suppliers have been asked to confirm that they are wiling to pay the amount. However, the letter has caused anger among affected suppliers; with most saying they were unwilling to pay the compensation.


tescoTesco demands pork compensation
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