Зарубежный опыт торговли
11 декабря 2008, 00:00 3596 просмотров

Tesco cuts prices in half in UK

Tesco, the British retailer, will launch a half price sale on 1,000 products this weekend. The UK’s largest retailer will launch the promotion on 12 December, with Christmas food, drink, toys and gifts are all reduced by 50%. Tesco’s Commercial Director Richard Brasher said: "Customers are telling us they are delaying their main Christmas purchases as they wait for bargains. Our half price sale reassures customers that we’re not making them wait.”


Теги: tesco cuts prices uk
Статья относится к тематикам: Зарубежный опыт торговли, Общеотраслевое
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Tesco cuts prices in half in UK

Tesco, the British retailer, will launch a half price sale on 1,000 products this weekend. The UK’s largest retailer will launch the promotion on 12 December, with Christmas food, drink, toys and gifts are all reduced by 50%. Tesco’s Commercial Director Richard Brasher said: "Customers are telling us they are delaying their main Christmas purchases as they wait for bargains. Our half price sale reassures customers that we’re not making them wait.”


tesco, cuts, prices, ukTesco cuts prices in half in UK
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