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Lenta appoints new General Director and CEO
Russian retailer Lenta has appointed Jan Dunning as new General Director and CEO. Dunning has been employed by the Russian branch of Metro for six years and will take up his role as soon as the Russian government gives the Netherlands citizen permission to do so. Prior to working for Metro, Dunning has a decade of experience working for Aldi in Germany and had been in charge of wholesale company Lukas Klamer Netherland before he moved to Metro Cash & Carry Russia, where he was Sales Director.

Павел Девяцкий, modi: «Постоянный поиск товарных хитов – цель нашей коммерческой стратегии»
В 2025 году сеть планирует открыть 100 магазинов, выйти в новые города и страны СНГ.