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11 января 2009, 00:00 3410 просмотров

Best Buy announces that around 500 employees have accepted buyouts

US-based consumer electronics retailer Best Buy has stated that about 500 corporate employees have accepted the buyouts it offered last month. Spokeswoman Susan Busch said that employees have until 16 January to change their mind, and Best Buy executives, who didn't set a target number of buyouts, may determine when they meet later this month whether the reduction is great enough. Busch said the average non-executive will get about 7.5 months' pay, a year of health and life insurance and help job-hunting.


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Best Buy announces that around 500 employees have accepted buyouts

US-based consumer electronics retailer Best Buy has stated that about 500 corporate employees have accepted the buyouts it offered last month. Spokeswoman Susan Busch said that employees have until 16 January to change their mind, and Best Buy executives, who didn't set a target number of buyouts, may determine when they meet later this month whether the reduction is great enough. Busch said the average non-executive will get about 7.5 months' pay, a year of health and life insurance and help job-hunting.


best buy, announces, employeesBest Buy announces that around 500 employees have accepted buyouts
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