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17 февраля 2009, 00:00 2400 просмотров

Ahold's Dutch Albert Heijn lures German bargain hunters

Ahold's Albert Heijn in the Netherlands has started offering German products, supported by promotions in German, in stores near the border. Distrifood reported that a new Albert Heijn pilot store in the border town of Venlo features around 800 new products from the neighbouring country, with a focus on meat products, coffee and soft drinks. Coffee is usually cheaper in the Netherlands than in Germany due to lower taxes, while there is no mandatory deposit on soft drink bottles in the Netherlands, unlike Germany.


Теги: albert heijn retail
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Ahold's Dutch Albert Heijn lures German bargain hunters

Ahold's Albert Heijn in the Netherlands has started offering German products, supported by promotions in German, in stores near the border. Distrifood reported that a new Albert Heijn pilot store in the border town of Venlo features around 800 new products from the neighbouring country, with a focus on meat products, coffee and soft drinks. Coffee is usually cheaper in the Netherlands than in Germany due to lower taxes, while there is no mandatory deposit on soft drink bottles in the Netherlands, unlike Germany.


albert heijn, retailAhold's Dutch Albert Heijn lures German bargain hunters
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