Крупные мировые ритейлеры
13 ноября 2009, 00:00 3815 просмотров

McDonald's and KFC continue price war in China


McDonald's has launched a value lunch meal selling for CNY15 (USD2.19) across 19 cities in mainland China. With a 44.4% price cut, the meal will be offered from 11am to 2pm until the end of 2009. It is hoping the move will help it gain some market from competitor KFC. The two American fast foods have been in a price war since February, with McDonald's cutting prices by 30% and KFC replying with menu savings of up to 33%. According to local surveys, on average Chinese customers spend CNY22-29 (USD3.21-4.24) at KFC and CNY20-24.5 (USD2.9-3.58) at McDonald's.


Теги: mcdonald's
Статья относится к тематикам: Крупные мировые ритейлеры
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McDonald's and KFC continue price war in China  

McDonald's has launched a value lunch meal selling for CNY15 (USD2.19) across 19 cities in mainland China. With a 44.4% price cut, the meal will be offered from 11am to 2pm until the end of 2009. It is hoping the move will help it gain some market from competitor KFC. The two American fast foods have been in a price war since February, with McDonald's cutting prices by 30% and KFC replying with menu savings of up to 33%. According to local surveys, on average Chinese customers spend CNY22-29 (USD3.21-4.24) at KFC and CNY20-24.5 (USD2.9-3.58) at McDonald's.


mcdonald'sMcDonald's and KFC continue price war in China
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