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24 февраля 2009, 00:00 4552 просмотра

Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Marks & Spencer sign Sustainable Clothing Roadmap

Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Marks & Spencer have signed up to the Sustainable Clothing Roadmap, aimed at making fashion more environmentally friendly. The initiative was kicked off by Defra Minister Lord Hunter, brings together over 300 organisations to tackle the impact of throwaway fashion. Under the scheme, Tesco, M&S and Sainsbury’s have all said they will increase their ranges of Fairtrade and organic, as well as supporting fabrics that enable clothes to be recycled more easily. The chains are also increasing the take back of unwanted clothes. Meanwhile, Tesco has banned cotton from countries known to use child labour, while also pledging to increase consumer awareness of the environmental benefits of washing clothes at 30 degrees.


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Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Marks & Spencer sign Sustainable Clothing Roadmap

Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Marks & Spencer have signed up to the Sustainable Clothing Roadmap, aimed at making fashion more environmentally friendly. The initiative was kicked off by Defra Minister Lord Hunter, brings together over 300 organisations to tackle the impact of throwaway fashion. Under the scheme, Tesco, M&S and Sainsbury’s have all said they will increase their ranges of Fairtrade and organic, as well as supporting fabrics that enable clothes to be recycled more easily. The chains are also increasing the take back of unwanted clothes. Meanwhile, Tesco has banned cotton from countries known to use child labour, while also pledging to increase consumer awareness of the environmental benefits of washing clothes at 30 degrees.


tesco, sainsbury’s, marks & spencerTesco, Sainsbury’s and Marks & Spencer sign Sustainable Clothing Roadmap
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