Крупные мировые ритейлеры
12 января 2009, 00:00 2771 просмотр

John Lewis Ocado considers international expansion

John Lewis-owned UK online grocery chain Ocado is reportedly considering expanding internationally, with the US and continental Europe being possibilities. Co-founder Jason Gissing said: “We’ve built a system that is complex in terms of logistics and IT and it has taken us the best part of a decade to perfect. We now want to take it international.” He added that food was a resilient area and while trade slowed towards the end of the year, it picked up again and remained strong into the first week of January.


Статья относится к тематикам: Крупные мировые ритейлеры
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John Lewis Ocado considers international expansion

John Lewis-owned UK online grocery chain Ocado is reportedly considering expanding internationally, with the US and continental Europe being possibilities. Co-founder Jason Gissing said: “We’ve built a system that is complex in terms of logistics and IT and it has taken us the best part of a decade to perfect. We now want to take it international.” He added that food was a resilient area and while trade slowed towards the end of the year, it picked up again and remained strong into the first week of January.


international expansionJohn Lewis Ocado considers international expansion
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