12 ноября 2008, 00:00 3658 просмотров

Tesco introduces new lines to discounter range

In the UK, Tesco yesterday announced that it would introduce 40 new products to its discounter range. The retailer introduced 350 lines under the banner Discount Brands in September. The new products will appear instore this month and include Sensation hair colourants priced at GBP0.99 (USD1.78) and Sun Grown apple juice at GBP0.49 (USD0.88) for one litre. "Sales of the discounter range are very strong with 1 in 3 customers now adding at least one product to their usual shop," a spokesman said in a statement. Tesco said since the launch of the discounter range, customers had bought 7 million litres of "Fresh n Lo" semi-skimmed milk, 2.4 million rolls of "Spring Force" toilet tissue and 318,000 "Trattoria Verdi" ham and pineapple pizzas.


Теги: tesco retail
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Tesco introduces new lines to discounter range

In the UK, Tesco yesterday announced that it would introduce 40 new products to its discounter range. The retailer introduced 350 lines under the banner Discount Brands in September. The new products will appear instore this month and include Sensation hair colourants priced at GBP0.99 (USD1.78) and Sun Grown apple juice at GBP0.49 (USD0.88) for one litre. "Sales of the discounter range are very strong with 1 in 3 customers now adding at least one product to their usual shop," a spokesman said in a statement. Tesco said since the launch of the discounter range, customers had bought 7 million litres of "Fresh n Lo" semi-skimmed milk, 2.4 million rolls of "Spring Force" toilet tissue and 318,000 "Trattoria Verdi" ham and pineapple pizzas.


tesco, retailTesco introduces new lines to discounter range
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