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Starbucks targeted by coffee growers

Gabriel Silva, Director of the National Federation of Coffee Growers in Colombia, has suggested that coffee growers should group together and attempt to buy US coffee chain Starbucks. Silva said that Colombia will accumulate four times the coffee stocks it did a year ago to build inventories and shore up coffee prices. "I am going to propose to my colleagues that we chip in to buy Starbucks. This will reinforce our fight to defend coffee origins," Silva said. "What I am proposing is not so difficult. With USD200 million to USD300 million, the coffee world could control Starbucks."



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Андрей Герасимчук, ProSpace: «Спрос на решения для управления торговыми инвестициями будет расти»

Зачем «Смарт-Ком» сменила позиционирование на ProSpace, каких решений для сферы FMCG не хватает на отечественном ИТ-рынке и какие инновации наиболее перспективны?

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