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19 февраля 2009, 00:00 2798 просмотров

Maxima Latvia may stock Latvian dairy products to avoid government sanctions

Maxima Latvia has begun negotiations with the Latvian Milk Producers Association to support local farmers and offer consumers high quality Latvian-made dairy products. Company spokesman Ivars Andins said the retailer's purchases department has been holding talks on selling dairy products made by local farmers and farming cooperatives directly, so that the retail chain is able to offer an even broader range of products in the near future. Maxima has begun to negotiate with local dairy manufacturers after the Latvian government threatened leading grocery retailers Ahold and Maxima with regulating the retail sector.


Теги: retail consumers
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Maxima Latvia may stock Latvian dairy products to avoid government sanctions

Maxima Latvia has begun negotiations with the Latvian Milk Producers Association to support local farmers and offer consumers high quality Latvian-made dairy products. Company spokesman Ivars Andins said the retailer's purchases department has been holding talks on selling dairy products made by local farmers and farming cooperatives directly, so that the retail chain is able to offer an even broader range of products in the near future. Maxima has begun to negotiate with local dairy manufacturers after the Latvian government threatened leading grocery retailers Ahold and Maxima with regulating the retail sector.


retail, consumersMaxima Latvia may stock Latvian dairy products to avoid government sanctions
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