24 февраля 2009, 00:00 3370 просмотров

Carrefour may have offered to buy 75% of Sedmoi Kontinent

French retailer Carrefour has offered to buy 75% of Russian grocer Sedmoi Kontinent, the Russian press has reported. The paper quoted an unnamed financier as saying that the offer covers owner Alexander Zanadvorov’s USD560 million debt to Deutsche Bank. The source said Carrefour is due to make an offer in the next few weeks and that other companies are looking at the retailer but none have made such an “interesting” offer.


Статья относится к тематикам: Общеотраслевое
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Carrefour may have offered to buy 75% of Sedmoi Kontinent

French retailer Carrefour has offered to buy 75% of Russian grocer Sedmoi Kontinent, the Russian press has reported. The paper quoted an unnamed financier as saying that the offer covers owner Alexander Zanadvorov’s USD560 million debt to Deutsche Bank. The source said Carrefour is due to make an offer in the next few weeks and that other companies are looking at the retailer but none have made such an “interesting” offer.


carrefour, buy, sedmoi kontinent, retail, retailer, retail ruCarrefour may have offered to buy 75% of Sedmoi Kontinent
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