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14 января 2009, 00:00 3375 просмотров

Carrefour to launch a new format in Taiwan

Carrefour will launch a new format in Taiwan tomorrow. According to the local press, the new format is the result how saturated the Taiwanese market has become with hypermarkets. The new store is 750 square metres in size with over 20,000 SKUs, including fresh fruit and vegetables, food, other groceries and small appliances. Carrefour positions the new format as "hypermarket price, supermarket size and convenience store" and expects to compete against strong local supermarket operator Pxmart. Carrefour will watch the results of the new store during a three months period before opening more stores.


Теги: carrefour
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Carrefour to launch a new format in Taiwan

Carrefour will launch a new format in Taiwan tomorrow. According to the local press, the new format is the result how saturated the Taiwanese market has become with hypermarkets. The new store is 750 square metres in size with over 20,000 SKUs, including fresh fruit and vegetables, food, other groceries and small appliances. Carrefour positions the new format as "hypermarket price, supermarket size and convenience store" and expects to compete against strong local supermarket operator Pxmart. Carrefour will watch the results of the new store during a three months period before opening more stores.


carrefourCarrefour to launch a new format in Taiwan
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