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Техника, электроника. Сотовый ритейл
9 декабря 2008, 00:00 5009 просмотров

Wal-Mart rumoured to add iPhone to shelves

Unconfirmed reports have said that the US retailer, Wal-Mart will add iPhone mobile devices to its shelves by the end of the year, perhaps with prices as low as USD99. Wal-Mart and notoriously tight-lipped Apple executives have declined to comment on the rumours, but employees at various stores in the US have said they expect iPhones to be in stock within weeks. IPhones are currently sold in the United States at Apple and AT&T stores as well as at the Best Buy electronics chain.


Теги: wal-mart iphone
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Wal-Mart rumoured to add iPhone to shelves

Unconfirmed reports have said that the US retailer, Wal-Mart will add iPhone mobile devices to its shelves by the end of the year, perhaps with prices as low as USD99. Wal-Mart and notoriously tight-lipped Apple executives have declined to comment on the rumours, but employees at various stores in the US have said they expect iPhones to be in stock within weeks. IPhones are currently sold in the United States at Apple and AT&T stores as well as at the Best Buy electronics chain.


wal-mart, iphoneWal-Mart rumoured to add iPhone to shelves
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