Зарубежный опыт торговли
4 декабря 2008, 00:00 4656 просмотров

Rewe Romania sees opportunities in crisis

According to reports in the Romanian press, citing the General Manager of Rewe's local operation, Antonio Radu, Romanian retailers could take advantage of some of the effects of the international financial crisis such as redundancies in other sectors and price stagnation in real estate. Radu stated that staff laid off from some economic sectors could be absorbed in other industries, such as retail. "Some of the people laid off from the industry could be absorbed by the retailers. Altogether, pressure with wage claims upon the employers will diminish.”


Теги: rewe romania crisis
Статья относится к тематикам: Зарубежный опыт торговли, Общеотраслевое
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Rewe Romania sees opportunities in crisis

According to reports in the Romanian press, citing the General Manager of Rewe's local operation, Antonio Radu, Romanian retailers could take advantage of some of the effects of the international financial crisis such as redundancies in other sectors and price stagnation in real estate. Radu stated that staff laid off from some economic sectors could be absorbed in other industries, such as retail. "Some of the people laid off from the industry could be absorbed by the retailers. Altogether, pressure with wage claims upon the employers will diminish.”


rewe, romania, crisisRewe Romania sees opportunities in crisis
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