Зарубежный опыт торговли
27 апреля 2009, 00:00 3081 просмотр

Rewe to open more than 120 supermarkets this year in Germany

Rewe Group is confident it will open more than 120 new Rewe supermarkets, as well as 160 Penny discount stores this year in Germany, sticking with its original plans despite the economic downturn. According to Lebensmittel Zeitung, the crisis has not yet been felt in the German grocery sector. However, Rewe is now focusing more on own projects than those of external developers. "Some developers are finding it increasingly difficult to convince their banks to finance new projects," a source said. During 2008, Rewe opened around 200 new supermarkets in Germany.


Теги: rewe supermarkets
Статья относится к тематикам: Зарубежный опыт торговли, Общеотраслевое
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Rewe to open more than 120 supermarkets this year in Germany

Rewe Group is confident it will open more than 120 new Rewe supermarkets, as well as 160 Penny discount stores this year in Germany, sticking with its original plans despite the economic downturn. According to Lebensmittel Zeitung, the crisis has not yet been felt in the German grocery sector. However, Rewe is now focusing more on own projects than those of external developers. "Some developers are finding it increasingly difficult to convince their banks to finance new projects," a source said. During 2008, Rewe opened around 200 new supermarkets in Germany.


rewe, supermarketsRewe to open more than 120 supermarkets this year in Germany
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