15 марта 2010, 00:00 3112 просмотра

FAS has initiated organization audit for Metro Cash and Carry

Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) has initiated organizational audit for Metro Group's Russian subsidiary – “Metro Cash and Carry” LLC in the beginning of 2010. FAS wants to compare work’s practices of Metro Cash and Carry for the period leading upto and after the Trade Law came into force. Since January 2010, FAS has sent letters to Metro’s suppliers, asking them provide information about Metro Cash and Carry such as disputed issues, delivery volumes, total additional payments, payment delays and etc.

The Head of FAS, Andrey Kashevarov, confirming this audit, stated that this audit was launched due to the high number of supplier grievances.


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FAS has initiated organization audit for Metro Cash and Carry

Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) has initiated organizational audit for Metro Group's Russian subsidiary – “Metro Cash and Carry” LLC in the beginning of 2010. FAS wants to compare work’s practices of Metro Cash and Carry for the period leading upto and after the Trade Law came into force. Since January 2010, FAS has sent letters to Metro’s suppliers, asking them provide information about Metro Cash and Carry such as disputed issues, delivery volumes, total additional payments, payment delays and etc.

The Head of FAS, Andrey Kashevarov, confirming this audit, stated that this audit was launched due to the high number of supplier grievances.


fas, metro group, suppliersFAS has initiated organization audit for Metro Cash and Carry
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