Аптечный ритейл. Оптика
14 июля 2009, 00:00 4657 просмотров

Best Buy looks for Marketing Manager for social media

US-based consumer electronics retailer Best Buy, has asked internet users for advice on defining a new marketing position at the company, the FT reported. The company is currently recruiting a Senior Marketing Manager for emerging media, who would run word-of-mouth marketing using Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and other internet forums. Barry Judge, Best Buy's Marketing Chief, has also asked users of the site, Idea X, to vote on what they think are the best suggestions for the role. "We're hoping for a really robust discussion that perhaps will foster clarity for how to craft these types of roles," he wrote when he announced the move on his blog last week.


Теги: best buy
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Best Buy looks for Marketing Manager for social media

US-based consumer electronics retailer Best Buy, has asked internet users for advice on defining a new marketing position at the company, the FT reported. The company is currently recruiting a Senior Marketing Manager for emerging media, who would run word-of-mouth marketing using Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and other internet forums. Barry Judge, Best Buy's Marketing Chief, has also asked users of the site, Idea X, to vote on what they think are the best suggestions for the role. "We're hoping for a really robust discussion that perhaps will foster clarity for how to craft these types of roles," he wrote when he announced the move on his blog last week.


best buyBest Buy looks for Marketing Manager for social media
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