8 октября 2010, 00:00 2742 просмотра

Auchan and Metro to collaborate on private labels

 Metro and Auchan will sign a partnership agreement which will mean that they will collaborate to buy private labels and economy lines, according to LSA. For Metro, the aim is to get the best buying conditions for its products which will be resold to the independent grocers which account for around 20% of its turnover. For Auchan, the retailer will gain from improved buying volumes and conditions.
Статья относится к тематикам: Общеотраслевое
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Auchan and Metro to collaborate on private labels Metro and Auchan will sign a partnership agreement which will mean that they will collaborate to buy private labels and economy lines, according to LSA. For Metro, the aim is to get the best buying conditions for its products which will be resold to the independent grocers which account for around 20% of its turnover. For Auchan, the retailer will gain from improved buying volumes and conditions.auchan, metro, private labelsAuchan and Metro to collaborate on private labels
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