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16 апреля 2013, 17:56 2333 просмотра

Walmart underlines sustainability commitment

US retail giant Walmart has announced the next steps on its path to achieving 100% renewable supply. At Walmart's Global Sustainability Milestone Meeting, President & CEO Mike Duke committed to achieving two goals by 31 December 2020. Firstly, to drive the production or procurement of 7 billion kWh of renewable energy globally every year - a 600% rise over 2010 levels. Secondly, to reduce the kWh/square foot energy intensity required to power Walmart's buildings globally by 20% compared to 2010 levels.

"More than ever, we know that our goal to be supplied 100% by renewable energy is the right goal and that marrying up renewables with energy efficiency is especially powerful," said Duke. "The math adds up pretty quickly - when we use less energy that's less energy we have to buy, and that means less waste and more savings. These new commitments will make us a stronger business, and they're great for our communities and the environment.”

Walmart's six-fold increase in renewable energy projects is expected to be equal to eliminating the need for roughly two US fossil fuel power plants. Based on external estimates of projected energy costs and other factors, the two new commitments are anticipated to generate more than USD1 billion annually in energy savings once fully implemented.

Walmart will also avoid nine million tonnes of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the equivalent of taking 1.5 million cars off the road, in effect halting the growth of GHG emissions from the company's largest GHG source - energy used to power buildings - by 2020. For the first time, the company is projecting this GHG decrease even with significant anticipated growth in stores and sales.

Planet Retail
Теги: walmart
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Walmart underlines sustainability commitment

US retail giant Walmart has announced the next steps on its path to achieving 100% renewable supply. At Walmart's Global Sustainability Milestone Meeting, President & CEO Mike Duke committed to achieving two goals by 31 December 2020. Firstly, to drive the production or procurement of 7 billion kWh of renewable energy globally every year - a 600% rise over 2010 levels. Secondly, to reduce the kWh/square foot energy intensity required to power Walmart's buildings globally by 20% compared to 2010 levels.

"More than ever, we know that our goal to be supplied 100% by renewable energy is the right goal and that marrying up renewables with energy efficiency is especially powerful," said Duke. "The math adds up pretty quickly - when we use less energy that's less energy we have to buy, and that means less waste and more savings. These new commitments will make us a stronger business, and they're great for our communities and the environment.”

Walmart's six-fold increase in renewable energy projects is expected to be equal to eliminating the need for roughly two US fossil fuel power plants. Based on external estimates of projected energy costs and other factors, the two new commitments are anticipated to generate more than USD1 billion annually in energy savings once fully implemented.

Walmart will also avoid nine million tonnes of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the equivalent of taking 1.5 million cars off the road, in effect halting the growth of GHG emissions from the company's largest GHG source - energy used to power buildings - by 2020. For the first time, the company is projecting this GHG decrease even with significant anticipated growth in stores and sales.

Planet Retail
walmartWalmart underlines sustainability commitment
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