Крупные мировые ритейлеры
4 февраля 2010, 00:00 2337 просмотров

Wal-Mart to cut 300 HQ jobs

Wal-Mart is cutting 300 jobs at its headquarters in northwest Arkansas as Chief Executive Mike Duke looks to cut costs and make the retailer more efficient. In a memo sent to employees, Duke said managers were asked to look for opportunities to eliminate duplication and reduce costs when deciding which jobs to cut. The jobs are mainly being eliminated in its corporate support divisions like legal, finance, information systems and human resources.


Теги: wal-mart
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Wal-Mart to cut 300 HQ jobs

Wal-Mart is cutting 300 jobs at its headquarters in northwest Arkansas as Chief Executive Mike Duke looks to cut costs and make the retailer more efficient. In a memo sent to employees, Duke said managers were asked to look for opportunities to eliminate duplication and reduce costs when deciding which jobs to cut. The jobs are mainly being eliminated in its corporate support divisions like legal, finance, information systems and human resources.


wal-martWal-Mart to cut 300 HQ jobs
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