Крупные мировые ритейлеры
3 февраля 2010, 00:00 1958 просмотров

Tesco opens first zero carbon store

Tesco has opened its first zero carbon store as part of its bid to be a carbon neutral company by 2050. The outlet, in Cambridgeshire, is timber-framed rather than steel, and uses skylights and sun pipes to cut lighting costs. It also has a combined heat and power plant powered by renewable bio-fuels, exporting extra electricity back to the national grid. In addition the refrigerators - one of the biggest blackspots for food retailers trumpeting their green credentials - have doors to save energy and harmful HFC refrigerant gases have been replaced.

Tesco CEO Sir Terry Leahy said: "It shows that you can dramatically alter how much carbon you use and life can go on". The new store, he said, "cost 30% more to build, but it uses 50% less energy, and with oil at USD70 a barrel it is a business case in itself".



Теги: tesco
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Tesco opens first zero carbon store

Tesco has opened its first zero carbon store as part of its bid to be a carbon neutral company by 2050. The outlet, in Cambridgeshire, is timber-framed rather than steel, and uses skylights and sun pipes to cut lighting costs. It also has a combined heat and power plant powered by renewable bio-fuels, exporting extra electricity back to the national grid. In addition the refrigerators - one of the biggest blackspots for food retailers trumpeting their green credentials - have doors to save energy and harmful HFC refrigerant gases have been replaced.

Tesco CEO Sir Terry Leahy said: "It shows that you can dramatically alter how much carbon you use and life can go on". The new store, he said, "cost 30% more to build, but it uses 50% less energy, and with oil at USD70 a barrel it is a business case in itself".



tescoTesco opens first zero carbon store
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