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15 января 2009, 00:00 3746 просмотров

Tesco asked to consider welfare of workers in meat supply chain

Union leaders in the UK have placed an ad on Google urging Tesco customers to consider the welfare or workers employed by companies located in the supermarket's meat-product supply chain. The union has presented Tesco with evidence that some workers are experiencing harsh and divisive conditions that in some cases are abusive. Unite joint General Secretary Tony Woodley said: "We believe that Tesco's procurement practices are creating divisions between mainly migrant agency workers and mainly indigenous permanent workers across Britain and Ireland. We're asking Tesco customers to play their part and sign our petition to Sir Terry Leahy, Tesco's Chief Executive.


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Tesco asked to consider welfare of workers in meat supply chain

Union leaders in the UK have placed an ad on Google urging Tesco customers to consider the welfare or workers employed by companies located in the supermarket's meat-product supply chain. The union has presented Tesco with evidence that some workers are experiencing harsh and divisive conditions that in some cases are abusive. Unite joint General Secretary Tony Woodley said: "We believe that Tesco's procurement practices are creating divisions between mainly migrant agency workers and mainly indigenous permanent workers across Britain and Ireland. We're asking Tesco customers to play their part and sign our petition to Sir Terry Leahy, Tesco's Chief Executive.


tesco, workers, supply, chainTesco asked to consider welfare of workers in meat supply chain
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