14 октября 2008, 00:00 4112 просмотра

Pizza Hut franchisee acquires outlets from other franchisee

NPC International, one of the largest Pizza Hut franchisees in the US, has completed the acquisition of 99 Pizza Hut units from Colonial Foods for USD35 million. According to information provided by NPC, the 50 dine-in restaurants, three Pizza Hut/Yum! Brand multi-brand units and 46 delivery/carryout units generated USD81.8 million of net sales during the 52 weeks ended December 2007. 96 of these restaurants are spread throughout Virginia, two in Maryland and one in West Virginia. NPC International operates 977 Pizza Hut restaurants and delivery/carryout units in 27 US states.


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Pizza Hut franchisee acquires outlets from other franchisee

NPC International, one of the largest Pizza Hut franchisees in the US, has completed the acquisition of 99 Pizza Hut units from Colonial Foods for USD35 million. According to information provided by NPC, the 50 dine-in restaurants, three Pizza Hut/Yum! Brand multi-brand units and 46 delivery/carryout units generated USD81.8 million of net sales during the 52 weeks ended December 2007. 96 of these restaurants are spread throughout Virginia, two in Maryland and one in West Virginia. NPC International operates 977 Pizza Hut restaurants and delivery/carryout units in 27 US states.


Pizza Hut franchisee acquires outlets from other franchisee
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