31 декабря 2008, 00:00 2689 просмотров

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Dear reader ! Let me on behalf of the whole www.retail.ru team wish you good cheer during the Christmas and New Year season! May the oncoming year bring you and your favourite folks (that’s your near and dear ones) many achievements in life. I wish you all the deepest ocean of happiness, progress, prosperous business and lots and lots of money, and may success always attend you wherever you are and whatever you do! Let the up-coming holidays become joyful and relaxing for you and may the year 2009 bring you much love, lasting peace and welfare. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, good-bye and take care while pulling the cork of your champagne bottle!

Retail.ru team

Теги: christmas
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Dear reader ! Let me on behalf of the whole www.retail.ru team wish you good cheer during the Christmas and New Year season! May the oncoming year bring you and your favourite folks (that’s your near and dear ones) many achievements in life. I wish you all the deepest ocean of happiness, progress, prosperous business and lots and lots of money, and may success always attend you wherever you are and whatever you do! Let the up-coming holidays become joyful and relaxing for you and may the year 2009 bring you much love, lasting peace and welfare. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, good-bye and take care while pulling the cork of your champagne bottle!

Retail.ru team

christmasMerry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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