Техника, электроника. Сотовый ритейл
21 апреля 2009, 00:00 3271 просмотр

Euroset files lawsuit to recover money from MTS

Russian mobile phone retailer Euroset has filed two lawsuits to the Moscow Arbitration Court seeking to recover RUB499 million (USD17.69 million) from major mobile phone operator MTS for alleged violations of cooperation agreements in Moscow and the Moscow Region, the retailer said in a statement. Euroset plans to file around 80 more lawsuits by Friday against MTS for the same alleged violations in other regions. The retail company intends to recover a total of RUB2 billion (USD70.93 million) from the operator. One of Euroset’s main objections is that MTS received money in advance for SIM cards that were never activated. Earlier, MTS filed a lawsuit seeking to recover RUB272.3 million (USD9.66 million) worth of debt from Euroset and announced plans to file two more lawsuits by 24 April seeking to recover debts worth RUB795 million (USD28.19 million) from the retailer.

Статья относится к тематикам: Техника, электроника. Сотовый ритейл
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Euroset files lawsuit to recover money from MTS

Russian mobile phone retailer Euroset has filed two lawsuits to the Moscow Arbitration Court seeking to recover RUB499 million (USD17.69 million) from major mobile phone operator MTS for alleged violations of cooperation agreements in Moscow and the Moscow Region, the retailer said in a statement. Euroset plans to file around 80 more lawsuits by Friday against MTS for the same alleged violations in other regions. The retail company intends to recover a total of RUB2 billion (USD70.93 million) from the operator. One of Euroset’s main objections is that MTS received money in advance for SIM cards that were never activated. Earlier, MTS filed a lawsuit seeking to recover RUB272.3 million (USD9.66 million) worth of debt from Euroset and announced plans to file two more lawsuits by 24 April seeking to recover debts worth RUB795 million (USD28.19 million) from the retailer.

euroset, mts, mobile phone retailerEuroset files lawsuit to recover money from MTS
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