25 ноября 2008, 00:00 4248 просмотров

Eldorado invests USD3.3 million in customer services initiative

Russian electronics retailer Eldorado has invested USD3.3 million in extending its customer services programme HiTechnic in the cities of Irkutsk and Vladivostok. In Irkutsk, specialised departments of HiTechnic are now in operation offering various customer service options including product information and insurance services. In Vladivostok, two specialised departments of HiTechnic are in place in one of its larger stores.


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Eldorado invests USD3.3 million in customer services initiative

Russian electronics retailer Eldorado has invested USD3.3 million in extending its customer services programme HiTechnic in the cities of Irkutsk and Vladivostok. In Irkutsk, specialised departments of HiTechnic are now in operation offering various customer service options including product information and insurance services. In Vladivostok, two specialised departments of HiTechnic are in place in one of its larger stores.


eldorado, invests, customerEldorado invests USD3.3 million in customer services initiative
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