26 января 2011, 00:00 2129 просмотров

Dixy Group reports 19.4% FY revenue increase

Russian retailer Dixy Group posted a 19.4% increase in its 2010 revenues to RUR64.73 billion (USD2.13 billion). Revenues at Dixy supermarkets rose by 20.5% to RUR54.39 billion (USD1.78 billion), while Megamart hypermarket revenue amounted to RUR7.26 billion (USD0.24 billion), up 14.7%. Sales at Minimart stores grew by 9.1% to RUB2.18 billion (USD0.07 billion).

Revenues from other operations, including marketing, sublease and wholesale merchandise amounted to RUR898 million (USD30 million). Like-for-like sales grew by 2.83%, boosted by strong like-for-like growth in the Urals, which were up +5.5%.

The retailer closed the year with 646 stores, including 623 Dixy supermarkets, 15 Megamart hypermarkets and eight Minimart stores, located in three Federal Districts of Russia: Central, Northwest and Urals.

Planet Retail

Статья относится к тематикам: Общеотраслевое
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Dixy Group reports 19.4% FY revenue increase

Russian retailer Dixy Group posted a 19.4% increase in its 2010 revenues to RUR64.73 billion (USD2.13 billion). Revenues at Dixy supermarkets rose by 20.5% to RUR54.39 billion (USD1.78 billion), while Megamart hypermarket revenue amounted to RUR7.26 billion (USD0.24 billion), up 14.7%. Sales at Minimart stores grew by 9.1% to RUB2.18 billion (USD0.07 billion).

Revenues from other operations, including marketing, sublease and wholesale merchandise amounted to RUR898 million (USD30 million). Like-for-like sales grew by 2.83%, boosted by strong like-for-like growth in the Urals, which were up +5.5%.

The retailer closed the year with 646 stores, including 623 Dixy supermarkets, 15 Megamart hypermarkets and eight Minimart stores, located in three Federal Districts of Russia: Central, Northwest and Urals.

Planet Retail

dixy group, russian retailerDixy Group reports 19.4% FY revenue increase
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