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4 марта 2009, 00:00 2924 просмотра

Costco reports sales decline in Q2

Costco has reported that net sales declined 1% to USD16.49 billion for the second quarter ended 15 February. Comparable store sales declined by 3% (down 1% in the US and down 11% internationally. Net income amounted to USD239.7 million, compared to USD327.9 million reported in Q2 last year. Costco CFO Richard Galanti said: "Second quarter 2009 earnings results were negatively impacted by a variety of factors, primarily centred on overall weak economic conditions. In particular, our quarterly results were hurt by the continued weakness in non-foods sales and related margins. Margins in foods and non-foods were also negatively affected by increased pre-holiday seasonal markdowns and other selective price reductions to drive sales and increase market share. In addition, results were hurt by lower year-over-year gasoline profits and lower reported international profits, the latter a result of the significant strengthening of the US dollar when compared to the currencies of Canada, the United Kingdom, Korea and Mexico."


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Costco reports sales decline in Q2

Costco has reported that net sales declined 1% to USD16.49 billion for the second quarter ended 15 February. Comparable store sales declined by 3% (down 1% in the US and down 11% internationally. Net income amounted to USD239.7 million, compared to USD327.9 million reported in Q2 last year. Costco CFO Richard Galanti said: "Second quarter 2009 earnings results were negatively impacted by a variety of factors, primarily centred on overall weak economic conditions. In particular, our quarterly results were hurt by the continued weakness in non-foods sales and related margins. Margins in foods and non-foods were also negatively affected by increased pre-holiday seasonal markdowns and other selective price reductions to drive sales and increase market share. In addition, results were hurt by lower year-over-year gasoline profits and lower reported international profits, the latter a result of the significant strengthening of the US dollar when compared to the currencies of Canada, the United Kingdom, Korea and Mexico."


costco, report, sales decline, retail, sales, retail ru, retailerCostco reports sales decline in Q2
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