Зарубежный опыт торговли
28 октября 2008, 00:00 4328 просмотров

CARREFOUR could cut nearly 700 jobs in its buying offices

Under a plan to reduce costs announced this summer, the retailer could cut jobs in its buying offices in Europe. According to the French newspaper La Tribune, the retailer could create a European structure for the purchase and conception of products marketed under its private label brands. This structure would replace the national entities in France, Spain, Belgium, Greece, Italy and Portugal and eventually employ 300 people against 1,000 at present. Carrefour, which had initially refused to comment on this information, said yesterday that "the figure for a supposed reduction of two thirds of the employees at the buying offices does not correspond to any reality or to any defined perimeter."


Теги: carrefour jobs
Статья относится к тематикам: Зарубежный опыт торговли, Общеотраслевое
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CARREFOUR could cut nearly 700 jobs in its buying offices

Under a plan to reduce costs announced this summer, the retailer could cut jobs in its buying offices in Europe. According to the French newspaper La Tribune, the retailer could create a European structure for the purchase and conception of products marketed under its private label brands. This structure would replace the national entities in France, Spain, Belgium, Greece, Italy and Portugal and eventually employ 300 people against 1,000 at present. Carrefour, which had initially refused to comment on this information, said yesterday that "the figure for a supposed reduction of two thirds of the employees at the buying offices does not correspond to any reality or to any defined perimeter."


carrefour, jobsCARREFOUR could cut nearly 700 jobs in its buying offices
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