FMCG. Продуктовый ритейл. Алкоголь
Фастфуд. Фудкорты. Сетевые рестораны
16 декабря 2008, 00:00 3778 просмотров

McDonald’s trials reduced prices in China


McDonald’s in China has partially cut its prices in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Nanjing on a trial basis till the end of the year. Prices of various main courses will be reduced by 30%. If this initiative succeeds in stimulating sales during lunch time, the promotion will be extended to the main inland cities of the country. During 2008, McDonald’s in China increased its prices three times because of rising prices of raw materials, papers, labour cost and oil.

Теги: mcdonald china
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McDonald’s trials reduced prices in China


McDonald’s in China has partially cut its prices in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Nanjing on a trial basis till the end of the year. Prices of various main courses will be reduced by 30%. If this initiative succeeds in stimulating sales during lunch time, the promotion will be extended to the main inland cities of the country. During 2008, McDonald’s in China increased its prices three times because of rising prices of raw materials, papers, labour cost and oil.

mcdonald, chinaMcDonald’s trials reduced prices in China 67243 67243
