12 октября 2010, 00:00 2349 просмотров

X5 reports modest sales growth in Q3

Russia-based grocery retailer X5 has reported a modest net retail sales growth of 21% year-on-year for the third quarter, to RUB79.82 billion (USD2.54 billion). For the period ended 30 September, the company’s total like-for-like sales increased 6% in RUB terms, driven by a 4% increase in customer traffic and a 2% increase in average basket. Like-for-like sales increased by 10% in Pyaterochka stores and by 2% in Perekrestok supermarkets. Karusel hypermarkets saw a decrease in like-for-likes by 3%, driven by the rising negative 20% growth in St Petersburg and the North West region.

X5 added 116 stores, which includes 97 Pyaterochka stores, 14 Perekrestok supermarkets, three Karusel hypermarkets and two Perekrestok Express convenience stores.

CEO Lev Khasis said: “We are excited about the strong improvement at converted Paterson supermarkets, where like-for-like sales surged more than 20% compared to pre-acquisition levels in last year’s third quarter. Raising sales densities and efficiency to X5 levels is a key priority for us following Paterson’s integration in the first half of 2010, while we continue to improve overall supermarket format performance with price promotions and assortment changes to benefit from future economic recovery.”

Planet Retail

Теги: x5 lev khasis
Статья относится к тематикам: Общеотраслевое
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X5 reports modest sales growth in Q3

Russia-based grocery retailer X5 has reported a modest net retail sales growth of 21% year-on-year for the third quarter, to RUB79.82 billion (USD2.54 billion). For the period ended 30 September, the company’s total like-for-like sales increased 6% in RUB terms, driven by a 4% increase in customer traffic and a 2% increase in average basket. Like-for-like sales increased by 10% in Pyaterochka stores and by 2% in Perekrestok supermarkets. Karusel hypermarkets saw a decrease in like-for-likes by 3%, driven by the rising negative 20% growth in St Petersburg and the North West region.

X5 added 116 stores, which includes 97 Pyaterochka stores, 14 Perekrestok supermarkets, three Karusel hypermarkets and two Perekrestok Express convenience stores.

CEO Lev Khasis said: “We are excited about the strong improvement at converted Paterson supermarkets, where like-for-like sales surged more than 20% compared to pre-acquisition levels in last year’s third quarter. Raising sales densities and efficiency to X5 levels is a key priority for us following Paterson’s integration in the first half of 2010, while we continue to improve overall supermarket format performance with price promotions and assortment changes to benefit from future economic recovery.”

Planet Retail

x5, lev khasisX5 reports modest sales growth in Q3
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